Scholarly and Research Communication is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, Open Access online journal that publishes original contributions to the understanding of production, dissemination, and usage of knowledge. It emphasizes the dynamics of representation and changing organizational elements, including technologically mediated workflows, ownership, and legal structures.
    Contributions are welcomed in all media and span formal research and analysis; technical reports and demonstration; commentary, and review.
老王 v p n安卓版破解    The journal provides scholarly assessment and editorial evaluation and fine tuning without charge. Authors must provide publishable copy or purchase needed editorial services from the journal.

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In an effort to engage a wider audience for research and its reporting in scholarly journals, 5minofscience, a new Canadian startup, is building a searchable database of short videos of researchers talking about their latest paper. Complementing the videos, 5minofscience actively promotes their papers to the media and industry groups. A selection of videos is included below. Others are available on its website. Interested journals are encouraged to contact for more information on the process and pricing. Videos are filmed on location and often take less than 20 minutes of production time for the researcher. Tri-Council subsidies for knowledge mobilization may also be available.

Dr. Juliet Daniel - Understanding Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

(SSH) Dr. Peter Jaskiewicz - Robustness of Family Businesses Across Generations

Dr. Yoshua Bengio - Deep Learning




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Scholarly and Research Communication welcomes proposals for scholarly contributions focused on evolving journal-publishing dynamics. Our planned special issue is intended to highlight both achievements and challenges of social science and humanities journal publishing in Canada; however, proposals that bring forward developments worldwide and across all disciplines are also welcome. Contributions are invited from innovators, researchers, and those involved in journal publishing. SRC publishes a wide range of formats that together provide widespread opportunities for the presentation of knowledge (articles, technical reports, field notes, interactive engagement, and commentary).

Read more about Evolving Ecosystem Dynamics in Journal Publishing: Canadian SSH Journal Publishing and Global Change

New Secure Site for SRC


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